CSR # 4SMR148C



At SCRN, our Level II NDT technicians will check your component parts in-house or provide NDT services on your aircraft.

The services we can provide include:

– Overhaul
– Repair
– Reseal
– Functional and Leak Tests
– NDT (non-destructive testing)

During the inspection and testing of your aircraft, our technicians will utilize the manufacturers technical data to ensure specifications are met.  Inspection methods include:

– Eddy Current Inspection
– Magnetic Particle Inspection
– Fluorescent Dye Penetrant Inspection (Methods A, B, C, and D)
– Prism Inspection
– Ultrasonic Thickness


If you have any questions or want to know more about the services we offer, call us at 636-778-9999.

St. Louis Component Repair & NDT LLC.
18089 Edison Avenue
Chesterfield, MO 63005
Phone: 636-778-9999